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짐바브웨 산속 언덕에 위치한 자연과 함께하는 특급호텔

Pamushana in southern Zimbabwe

짐바브웨 산속 언덕에 위치한 자연과 함께하는 특급호텔

Pamushana is a hilltop lodge, situated in the rolling planes and mountains of southern Zimbabwe.

Inspired by the large, sculptural granite rock mountain, Pamushana literally hangs off the edge of rocky precipices and uses the raw rock as natural walls and trees as support columns.

The rooms are sculptured out of the natural rock and pools hang over cliff edges.

Much of the architecture and detail was inspired by the great Zimbabwe ruins, which has a unique system of symbolism through patterns in its dry packed rock walls.

Many artists and talented local artisans were given free reign to express themselves through murals, mosaic and stone patterning.

links: bruce stafford architects